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Chiron "Deepest Wound, Greatest Gift" 6 Week Journey

  • ONLINE World Wide Zoom (map)

Chiron is an archetype we all have within us and our astrology chart. It’s deep and not always covered in a regular astrology reading. It’s our deepest wound, and greatest gift.

Early this year, Chiron is especially in the spot light during the Aries Eclipse in April 8th and it’s exactly conjunct! it’s going to be really highlighted in dramatic ways for everyone.

The energy is so palpable I want to use it with you in going on a Chiron Journey with you - looking at our deepest wounding, and seeing where it can be our greatest gift - to find something that we couldn't see before. It’s the path of the Spiritual Warrior - to overcome our own Achilles heel.

Personally, understanding my own astrology of Chiron has been SO helpful in my own journey in overcoming some of my most challenging times.

Astrology is like weather, and let's just say that the weather do it this work is on our side - in fact its ASKING us to do this work now, otherwise there is a real risk we can feel lost in our shadows and wounding. Forever feeling like a victim of life, that we can't go on, we want to throw in the towel, and wondering why we are not deserving of all the successes and abundance we see in others. This wounding is inherently human and part of our spiritual journey is to be able to change the perspective of this wounding through the light of our being (eternal aspect).

In this Chiron Journey you will get the chance to:

  • Learn about the mythology of Chiron - story telling is the best way to see how this plays out in our own life.

  • Learn your unique placement of Chiron - the zodiac sign and house, and reflect on how this has played out for you.

  • Also learn the Gene Key and Human Design Gate for your Chiron placement for further insights - not only into the pattern of any shadow side, but also the higher gifts waiting for you.

  • Reflecting on your wounding patterns, and going through a healing process.

  • Seeing the gifts available for you to embody.

  • Working with personal mantra and subconscious reprogramming.

The thing about the Chironic wound, is that it's a wound that never really goes away. It's embedded deeply within us. Without doing this kind of Consciousness Awareness work this wound keeping rearing it's head in different ways, like a whack o mole game. 

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”― C.G. Jung

If you'd like to work in a safe supportive environment with me and group of likeminded people over a period of weeks whilst we have this most perfect astrology, then get in touch.

This container is a super affordable way to work with me, if you've been wanting to, and not been able to afford the 1:1 sessions.

What we'll be covering together is something that you will 100% come back to again and again, anytime that the wound surfaces and you have a moment where you wonder why you're bothering, and that the world feels against you, you can come and have a look at the gold you mined during our time together.