AI and Astrology Predictions

A question and curiosity I’m getting asked to speak on is AI and Astrology predictions for the future. AI is touching so many aspects of our life. Can you use AI tools like Chat GPT to ask about your astrology chart. How would that work and what are the current and future predictions for the limitations of AI?

Firstly I’m not against playing with AI. I do think it needs to be treated with a lot of respect. I do use AI for certain aspects of my work to make me more efficient at my role as marketeer, but I’m also seeing some of it’s limitations.

AI and Astrology Predictions: What AI Is Good At

AI is great at sharing information. Whether from scanning the internet or based on the accumulation of information it’s been fed or given access to, this is a super strong point of AI. You can ask AI almost anything and it will be able to provide “information” back. At this stage, it’s mainly a regurgitation or reorganisation of information. 

At this point in time though, not all the information you get from AI is true. Hence the disclaimer at the bottom of the input window. “ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.”

In Astrology, there is a LOT of information. But a very basic issue astrologers have is “cook book” astrology aka where x + y = z and there’s only 1 outcome and NOT taking into consideration all the layers, aspects and nuances of the natal chart. 

In my experience of experimenting with AI it will give an answer to your question that seems quite absolute, but in many cases is a cookbook answer that is not really taking in the complexity of your natal chart, let alone recent transits. 

AI and Astrology Predictions: AI and Astrology Prompts

Coaches that use AI Astrology prompts are using very simple forms of astrology. Like your Venus is your love and money signature and Mercury is how you communicate. But there are MANY aspects in your chart that will dictate things such as love and money. And at the very least the planets that make aspects to these name planets will also make an impact. You may find some of the answers useful, but again it’s limited and unethical for people who don’t really know astrology to be selling something like this. Be discerning. 

AI and Astrology Predictions: Archetypal Mulivalence

Astrology is incredibly complicated which is why many are interested but few learn fully. People might learn a diluted or simplified version of the planets or the zodiac signs. Each archetype of a planet or sign has the capacity of a fractal expression that is held with a common theme for that archetype. But when asking AI for answer, which fractal expression will you get back, will it be something that relates to you and your experiences of not. This is another way that the astrology of AI can be limiting. 

Trauma Informed Approach

What AI misses:

Counselling and Therapeatuic Aspect: Astrology is more than “information”. It’s a system for personal development, growth and evolution. Part of the system of astrology in this sense is overtime becoming aware of parts of us that are unconscious through the initiation of a transit. A client may come about a particular problem or situation and ask about timings, but the deeper work is about the choices we make within that time frame. An astrology who is trained in counselling or trauma informed practices like Compassionate Inquiry are able to really honour the depth of astrology in a way that AI can’t. This is why the singer Dua Lipa sees an astrologer regularly instead of a regular therapist.


Interpesonal Neurobiolgy and Transmissions: Life for humans is not meant to be lived alone. We connect through each other. More than just words spoken our nervous systems connect, we can feel empathy through shared experiences, we can ‘hold’’ each other through giving undivided human attention. We can also share transmissions that is more than just words, but a feeling of visceral experiences behind words. Shared wisdom. These are things that AI currently cannot offer.  


Synergy: When two people meet together (the astrologer and the client) in connection with a common intention to explore the clients chart I believe that energy that is created often sparks new and interesting ideas for client that otherwise would not have come to pass. This can be partly intuition of the questions to ask, or insights the astrology sees, but also the pure synergy of ideas that happens when people meet. 

AI and Astrology Predictions Bad Astrology

Being told a Neptune transit is just foggy or confusing. Whilst this may be true in part it’s also very dismissive of the wholeness of possibilities of a Neptune transit - spiritual awakenings, seeking one-ness based experiences, re-evaluing life decisions, seeing possible choice points of escapism vs transcendence and how that is playing out based on the other patterns in your chart and life coping mechansim you’ve developed from past transits and life experiences.

Your Beliefs Create Your Reality: You can read what AI writes back and decide “oh this is how I am”. This can happen with a bad astrology reading to. Someone told me years ago when  Neptune first entered by 10th house that I’d be confused about my career! This is a 10+ year transit. I thought I was doomed. I BELIEVED that I would be confused for 10 years - until I studied astrology and chose a different belief. So you can read something and then your mind goes, ok that’s me, I resonate. Be careful. A trauma informed astrologer works in a way of asking you questions to open up your natal chart and then make sense of your transits, rather than telling you who you are.

Using AI and Astrology for quick questions may be helpful at times, but the danger lies in one dimensional answers that could even be incorrect and it drastically limiting and diluting the art of astrology and it’s intended purpose and potential as a deeply rich tool for personal and spiritual transformation. 

The Best Way to Use Astrology

If you would like to learn the language of Astrology with me I run a trauma informed, somatic based course called Inner Astrology. I feel this is an amazing way to learn the language of astrology from a very inward and intuitive approach.

I also offer Astrology Readings and ongoing Astrology Informed Mentoring that combines Spiritual Psychology and Trauma Informed Compassionate Inquiry by Dr Gabor Mate. 

Belinda Matwali