The mentoring sessions I offer create an environment where you can explore different aspects of yourself both from a Personal Growth perspective and a Spiritual perspective.

The more we can process the unconscious past and create new perspectives, the more we can lean into our future dreams and goals.

I work with a ‘human + being’ approach - helping to work through the wounds and limiting aspects of the human and uncovering the limitless potential of creativity and intuition from the being.

I incorporate the wisdom of spiritual traditions, the principles and philosophies to change our perspective on how we live our life, with trauma informed somatic practices, subconscious reprogramming and astrology.

Many of us reach points in our life where we feel stuck. Sometimes we can feel a big change coming but not sure how to handle it. Sometimes it’s having a spiritual awakening and not knowing how to ground that energy or access our deepest self when we want to. Or being stuck in the same rut and patterns of self limiting beliefs. Or feeling like we’ve lost track of who we really are, the inner compass of our intuition, and why we’re here…

Over my many years of being on my own journey and helping others I use a triple layered approach in my mentoring and generally sessions will weave between these three areas depending on your individual needs and what’s coming up for you.

  1. Trauma Informed Compassionate Inquiry Therapeutic Approach to understand where current day triggers and self limiting beliefs may come from - when we go to the root we can create an alchemical change.

  2. Spiritual Philosophy, Meditation and Yoga Nidra to help you access your deepest most self. Whether you call this your essence or your being or soul, having a relationship with this part of your and being able to identify with it and your individual way to connect is essential for everyone.

  3. Astrology synthesis that can help to identify your greatest gifts and give you clues as to what talents lie within you and how you can begin to cultivate them further to live out a life where you feel your reaching your potential. It’s also useful to see what challenges and opportunities are in season for us as individuals right now.

Mentoring is most effective over a long term period to incorporate all the above fully.

Most people end up working with me over 6-12months.

Here are some of the things I’ve helped others work through, but ultimately your sessions will be very unique to…

  • Creating solid boundaries and work in a gentle but empowering way and through that alignment was offered their ideal working situation rather than having more hours forced upon them.

  • Feeling more authentic in relationships and being able to find a true "soul-voice" coherence with what they truly wanted to express for the first time.

  • Resolving years of self doubt and not feeling worthy

  • Moving through anxiety and finding deeper meaning in life.

  • Busy mums or a few people fresh from relationship breakups feeling like they've really 'found themselves' again after feeling like they didn't know who they were anymore.

  • Finding real peace and tranquility and through bespoke meditations finding this practice their new necessity rather than a luxury as they are really feeling the benefits.

  • Being able to sit and process difficult emotions or cravings and work through things like food addictions or reducing alcohol to zero.

  • Working through deep self limiting beliefs, understanding their root cause and working with different tools such including some that create neuroplasticity

  • choosing to leave alcohol and recreational drugs behind, and come into a state of increased clarity within yourself and let go of things no longer serving you and come into a really nurturing and supportive space.

  • realised that you’re life is lacking a deeper meaning and purpose, and want to bring that back to the forefront

  • spiritually curious and want to delve WAY deeper

These sessions are really about reclaiming ALL parts of you so you can feel like a clear vessel to reach your highest potential.
— Belinda Matwali

What past clients have gained from their sessions

  • Feeling nourished by their inner light and more connected to themselves spiritually

  • Transitioning through a relationship break up and wanting to come back to their individuality and path

  • Going through a “Saturn Return” period and needing help aligning to their inner authority and inner compass

  • Transitioning from recreational use of drugs and alcohol and inner resourcing rather than “outer resourcing” through substances.

  • Finding their inner stillness and tranquility

  • Feeling confident to speak their truth at work and with friends- Soul Voice Coherence

  • Remembering who they are at their core essence and bringing that into their day to day life and work

  • Feeling like their own best friend again

  • Delving deep into self limiting beliefs at working at the core to uplift them

  • Developing and loving a meditation practice that is aligned to them

  • Working with triggers and emotional processing from a place of deep understanding

  • Getting beyond layers of mind, and overthinking

  • Reducing adrenal fatigue

  • Spiritual Nutrition - mind detox, energy hygiene, inner nourishment

  • Bringing the sacred into daily life with ritual

I’ve trained for over 10 years in spiritual practices and philosophies (with my Masters in India and many other teachers.

I’m training with Gabor Mate in his year long Compassionate Inquiry course which is a psychotherapeutic approach to understanding certain patterns within us.

I’ve done many Astrology courses including study with Amy Lea, Adam Sommer, Zoe Hind and my own self study.

I’ve learnt Human Design from Brittany Eastman, Amy Lea, Richard Rudd and my own self study.

You can view my full list of qualifications here.

Howe we can work together

6 Month Mentoring Containing

  • A fixed container of time with my support and additional tools and resources

  • Email support inbetween sessions

3 Month Mentoring Container

  • Weekly Zoom video calls

  • Email support inbetween sessions


  • Receive 1 x 90 minute Zoom video call

  • Email support for up to a week after to check in

  • Can be any topic from a personalised meditation practice, or having a ‘tune in’ session, if you’ve had mentoring with me before and want to have a top up session.

If this feels like something your soul has been craving you can book below. If you’d like to get more of a feel for my energy and work please join my community with the 7 day free trial or review my Instagram, TikTok, YouTube pages or the Deliciously Ella and Lush Bathe apps where my meditations are featured, send any questions via email to me here.


A few words from PEPOLE who’ve experienced mentoring with me…

There are many google reviews here, as well as the testimonials below…

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“Working with Belinda is a delight. She brings so much positivity to every session. Her mentoring has helped me immensely and I have seen considerable and substantial steps forward in meeting my goals, both short term and long term. But you know more than that, and far more importantly actually, is that Belinda patiently and attentively listens to me in a non-judgemental way, I know this as she has then gone on to created for me some bespoke meditations which are such an incredible delight, they prove to me in one thousand ways that Belinda totally gets me, she understands my journey and is here to help me in a very profound way."

Ross Harper


“I’d been meditating for a couple of years but felt like there was something missing from my practice. Working with Belinda, I felt so incredibly seen, heard, and understood. She was able to guide me through an extremely profound meditation exercises that enabled me to feel a deeper connection with myself. Together we were able to identify what I was seeking in my meditation and fill a hole that was missing from my previous mediation experiences.”

Caz Tanner

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“Working with Belinda literally blew my mind. I always assumed that meditating meant sitting in silence while trying to fend off my thoughts. Belinda has taught me so much about  conscious awareness! For the first time in my adult life, I was able to truly ground myself without judgment, guilt or fear. Thank you for helping me reconnect with my inner space and potential!”

Stephanie Rosicka

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Working with Belinda was my entry into spiritual development. Her warmth is infectious, and her wisdom invaluable. Each session was a chance to go deep, be vulnerable and get curious. I now journal and meditate daily, which is really helping me tune in to my inner voice.

Nadia Anderson