Journal Prompts for the Winter Solstice and End of this Solar Cycle
Journal Prompts for the Winter Solstice and End of this Solar Cycle
End Of Year Contemplations
As we descend into the darkest shortest days of the year it’s a natural time for retreat and inner reflection. A time to slow our senses from the hustle and bustle of life and come within.
In this dark cocoon it’s time to remember, acknowledge and give thanks for all that has come through in the last solar cycle - the good and the ‘bad’.
As I get older I really see the benefit in not just remembering the highlight joy moments, but the gritty real life human experiences as well. I’ve come to see, that it’s sometimes these experiences are the ones that really shape us as human beings and are the source of our wisdom. This is especially true if you’ve just gone through your Saturn Return or one of the mid life transits that include Pluto, Neptune or Uranus.
As well as celebrating your high points, all consider the low points, and how you grew as a result of them. Just the simple fact that you passed through them is enough - that required inner strength and character - and is worthy of acknowledgement and thanks.
Below are some prompts that you may like to reflect on and either journal or voice note the answers. I’ve linked a beautiful playlist below as a suggested sound cocoon to hold you whilst you venture into this sacred time with yourself.
How have I changed as a person this solar cycle?
What wounded parts of me did I feel and how did I tend to them?
When did I lean into my inner strength?
What dreams have grown within me?
What dreams have faded away?
What was the most difficult thing I traversed this year? How have I matured as a result of it?
What brought me the most joy?
Where could I ask for help me?
Where could I help others more?
What new things did I learn?
What did I learn about myself?
What beliefs did I change?
What am I leaving behind this year?
What lessons am I bringing forward and how will they help me?
Want to review your year using Astrology? I have and End of 2024 Astro Review Journal which I’ve just released which takes your end of 2024 contemplation to a whole new level!
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