Spiritual Nutrition for Sagittarius Season
ART: by my fav Danielle Bhavya Winter
On the 23rd November the Sun moves into the sign of Sagittarius, meaning that the solar rays we receive will have this ‘flavour’ in their energy.
The glyph for Sagittarius is the archer, and this always me think of a line from a classic rave track, “point your arrow in the direction of your dreams, and make your transition”.
So much about meditation and life is where we are pointing the arrow of our awareness. Where-ever our attention goes energy follows, and when our awareness is scattered or easily influenced by others we’re probably doing ourselves a dis-service.
A lot of what I teach in my meditation courses is about the layers of awareness and the Sagittarius archetype is also the archetype of the teacher. We are ultimately our own teachers, but we need to be strong and pointing the arrow of our awareness to the right places to receive the outer experiences that lead us to our inner wisdom. As such the Sagittarius energy feels like that of the seeker, the one who feels determined to understand more of the mystery of life. This energy reeks of adventure and in Spiritual Nutrition I love to see this as the thrill and adventure of seeking and discovering your own inner landscape.
This journey is not for the light hearted and requires us moving through many layers of healing old emotion and energy. The more we relax and go within, the more things unlock within us and arise to be ‘transmuted’ by the light of our awareness. Most of these things we spend our whole lives trying to not feel - and many of us and not even conscious of what needs to come up. But when the truth seeker within us arises, then we are always held on our inner journey.
Sagittarius is a centaur - some people say the centaur known as Chiron - the wounded healer. This centaur many ‘gods’ sent their children to for an education, he was a teacher as well as a healer. I think this can speak to our tendency to often conceptualise healing. We can learn and read about it in our mind. But healing doesn’t happen at the level of the mind, it happens at the level of the body and feeling and letting the transmutation happen without getting locked and trapped in stories that keep us trapped. This is something to be aware of.
I’ve also mused that Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign and when we start Winter. In one of the darkest months of the year, let the fire of Sagittarius help you burn and transmute whatever comes up in the darkness.
Some questions to contemplate are:
Where are you pointing your energy? Is it as a truth seeker? Or avoiding.
I’ve recently being contemplating this a lot, where are we avoiding our truth - especially with spiritual bypassing - is the arrow of awareness on what is real, or is it where it feel convenient?
So much truth lies deep within us if we are brave enough to point the arrow within and sit with whatever we find.
Can you be still and go deep enough to allow your inner senses and inner vision to awaken? Sagittarius is a visionary and I think that there is nothing more visionary or big picture than navigating our inner landscape for treasure and clues of our direction.