Doing Deeper Emotional Work During Scorpio Season..
Art by Indg0
It’s funny this game of cosmic hide and seek that we come to earth to play. All the love, bliss, ecstasy and inner treasure is within us. Yet we get dropped into the ‘squid game’ of life where the conditions mean we often don’t REALLY feel safe to be connected to our essence. Our societal conditioning makes it very hard to see this, but it’s true #attachmentvsauthenticity.
As such we form a personality that we create to fit into life - but then most of us also identify with this personality over anything else. So when we think about who we are - we think of our personality and how it moves and interacts in the world. It’s really common that this personality is who we think we are, we’ve identified with this aspect for most of our conscious memories. It's helped us survive in the world, and we’ve been completely enmeshed with it for the longest time. The true self is buried under the self limiting beliefs, heavy emotions, and constrictions that we made to feel safe and fit in. It’s waiting to be remembered and to have a whole load of ‘baggage’ lifted. Things that protected us in the past, but are now uncalled for.
This is not meant to sound dark but rather light. That it’s all there for us to discover.
I know myself, that I spent so many years constricted from my true self, and definitely disassociated from my body. I “thought” my emotions, rather than feeling them (although I had NO idea I was doing this). Or had selective feelings - some feelings were my comfort zone (sadness) and others I couldn’t really get anywhere near (anger).
I then discovered spirituality and went on a HUGE spiritual bypassing trip, practicing equanimity like no other, but had really just numbed myself even further. It’s only looking back now, that I can see the irony of it all.
But it’s a lesson I came here to learn. To understand the language of emotions at a truly deep level. To untangle the chemicals of emotion from stress hormones and become comfortable sitting with them. To allow them to dissolve away under the loving gaze of acceptance and compassion, and start to reveal more of the ever present ‘real self’ underneath.
This never ending game of hide and seek is what we are here to play, to enjoy. It’s part of the “leela” of life. During Scorpio season more than ever there is an invitation to go deep, to allow ourselves to explore any pain, knowing that there is always light and love on the other side, and the fear in our minds is worse than any other fear that exists.
Welcome to Scorpio season. If you want some assistance in discovering your true self that may be buried under some other layers, I’m opening up 2 new spaces for spiritual mentoring. Drawing on years of spiritual and life experience, spiritual philosophies (Astrology and Human Design basics) and my Compassionate Inquiry Training that I’m doing with Gabor Mate.
We’re all just walking each other home. Press the book button to arrange a free 15min chat x