The Real Meaning Of Meditation

The real meaning of Meditation…

the real meaning of meditation

Meditation is by nature both an innate and an advanced practice.

There is a whole system of processes that precedes

being able to enter deeply into meditation.

It starts with our relationship to self and with others. 

If we suffer with self doubt, limiting beliefs, mean voices and unresolved emotions and trauma that means it's going to be harder to sit with ourself. 

Creating a solid relationship with our self is important to have a calm quiet mind.

We also need to consider our relationship with others and our surroundings - if we are creating conflict and unease then it's going to be harder to sit peacefully.

Are we looking after our physical body with movement and exercise to keep it supple and free from tension and pain, so we can be comfortable sitting in meditation.

Do we know what our regulated breath feels like? This is our breathing pattern at rest, which is unique to everyone, and it takes time to let go of controlling the breathing, and allowing this pattern to emerge. 

From here can we be sensitive enough to notice the subtle energies when we turn our senses within? Most often we are so overstimulated with the outer world we need to take time to refine our senses.

In a world that is more and more moulding us to have low attention spans, can we gently hold something in our focus and start to deepen into relationship with it.

Can we sustain that focus so that our inner space becomes more real than our outer space - that it is the universe for us right now and nothing else exists.

Through sustained focus if we are lucky we may be granted the experience of truly merging into the inner space and experiencing samadhi. You can never 'do' this as only the ego and mind can do, and this is a space where the mind and ego will forever inhibit you from going. It's only through complete surrender that you may be granted this blessing.

And so the science and art of meditation is a lifestyle.

It's not a quick fix to living a life full of self loathing and unhealthy habits.

It's a sacred gift that happens when we live in harmony with ourself, with others, with our body, with our environment and breath and see the interconnectedness of it all.

Meditation is not a glorified pep talk - that is food for the mind and the ego.

Meditation is a deep stillness and spaciousness connecting to the unified field of source energy to deeply nourish your eternal aspect that is animating this human body you live in. 

To learn meditation with me, join my Level 1 Course and begin this journey of inner exploration.

Belinda Matwali