The real reason why spiritual memes are dangerous
I love a good spiritual meme, they can be really powerful and potent reminders of the spiritual technology and magic that lies within us.
However when we reduce something to one line often things can lose potency of the original meaning or concept fast.
Take something like ‘feel it to heal it’ which for me is a really important part of our spiritual process, to move through emotion blocks that create stuck energy and weigh us down.
Within these few words there is SO much, like so so much! If you just read them alone you probably think it means to be emotional all the time? Or maybe something else, we all interpret things differently.
These few words have taken me personally such a long time to really truly understand and I think it will be an ongoing journey. Part of the journey has been recognising which emotions are easy for me to feel and which ones aren’t. Where am I numb, where have I been shutting down to protect myself? Where am I being emotional and whinging because I didn’t get my way vs coming back to the present moment. SO much discernment is required.
I think the biggest lesson though is really staying PRESENT with myself as I feel, staying conscious to the feeling. This took me soo long. I’d feel something and the second I started “observing” it, it would go away, but I knew it wasn’t finished - I think it was part of the vispassana mindset I had at the time to be equanimous to everything. Being really present and holding yourself and witnessing your emotions in a loving way takes a lot of time and practice. My meditation practice helps me a lot. So does therapy and being accepting of emotions.
The other reason the memes can be ‘dangerous’ (really going to the attention grabbing word here lol) is that the mind can read those 4 words as you scroll and be like, “yeah I know, I’ve read this before, nothing new, I’ve got this”. Our minds get bored and numbed so easily. Our minds can absorb information so fast. Things that take the body sometimes years to viscerally experience. So I think this is something we have to be so aware of. Catch our mind when it’s like “yep, already know that one, next please….” And be honest we are at on our journey.
This topic is huge and I love a spirutal meme but sharing where I’ve noticed how they can also be really tricky. I’ve seen in myself and my clients. This is why we also ‘walk each other home’ so we can help see each others blind spots when our minds think they have everything figured out. If you’d like support with some spirutal mentoring to unravel and unpack things in a safe environment to help you move through blocks, deepen your meditation or bring more of your meditation into life than you might like to consider mentoring with me. I have 2 spaces available right now, and you can book a few chat via the book button in my bio.