Trauma Informed Look at Mars Retrograde

Mars Retrograde - 6 December to 24 February 

Mars Retrograde, is it “good” or “bad” here’s a trauma informed look

Mars, the planet of action, goes retrograde once every two years. When a planet goes retrograde a few things happen:

  1. From earth’s perspective it’s going slower (like one car over taking another car). When a planet is in retrograde it’s generally closer to the earth and thus it’s archetype is felt more strongly.

  2. We lean into the yin inward expression of the archetype of the planet, rather than the yang outward expression.

In a very yang outward world, a capitalistic society that is always go, go, go, faster, faster, faster, you can get why Retrogrades sometimes get bad press right?

But like all things in perfect harmony, retorgrade asnd that inward yin t ime are SO necessary and often extremely powerful alnd rewarding.

After we slow down and reflect and review, when the planet of action mars goes direct, we’re more ready than ever.

Trauma Informed Self Inquiry of Mars Rx Archetype  

What self limiting beliefs or coping mechanisms do I have around taking action, asserting myself, moving forward, expressing anger?

Why do I speak, behave, react the way I do? Do I feel aligned with my actions?

Am I being a pushover and had lessons in asserting myself?

Have there been anger management issues? 

Am I finding healthy ways to express sacred rage?

You can self reflect through journalling, but often a therapist can help you uncover blind spots that you may have been wanting to subconsciously avoid.

Individualising Your Mars Retrograde Experience

It will be different for us all depending on our chart and life experiences.

For many of my clients, this most recent Mars Retrograde as in their 2nd and 3rd house in relation to communication and finances and they did indeed have some big discussions they had to assert themselves for in their business. By reflecting through the lens of the Mars archetype they were able to see that they were being tested about where old patterns were being played out, and that they had an opportunity now to bring awareness to that and break them.

Mars Retrograde: Slowing Down to Speed Up

But by slowing down and doing this yin inner work, when Mars goes direct we’ll hopefully be expressing the yang outward energy of this sign in a healthier way. 

When you view astrology as a tool for personal and spiritual development everything changes.

Trauma Informed Astrology as Therapy

I love working with my clients through both a trauma informed Compassionate Inquiry lens and the lens of astrology. For everyone it’s different. What houses has Mars been retrograding through for you? Which planets has it been aspecting? Astrological context is SO helpful.

Get in touch if you’re looking for something deeper that gets straight to what’s been asked of you right now.

Belinda Matwali