Welcome to Spiritual Nutrition for Aquarius Season
Image by @fractalsbydesign
The frequency of energy we receive from the Sun during the next weeks will be under the influence of the energy archetype of Aquarius. This is sign is often thought of as at the ‘sacred rebel’, or the futurist or being progressive - basically way head of all the trends and so often the first to try out new and different things. Such a fun energy.
The sacred rebel and doing things differently resonates with me a lot and comes through in a lot of way we do things at Spiritual Nutrition.
in the course Spiritual Ecstasy learn how to claim back your inner ecstasy and individuality through meditation and dance practices and how to allow more Spiritual Ecstasy into your day to day life.
Aquarius is an air sign and very electromagnetic, so working with our energy body and nervous system this season is super important.
I’m just launching a new free offering called INNER CONNECTION which is all about taking time in the morning to be away from our mobile devices and really stay in the delicious alpha-theta brainwave waking state and enhance our inner connection over being sucked into our phones and all the information in the world. It starts 19th February and you can register for it here.
Since Aquarius does have a lot of electromagnetic energy related to it, I really highly recommend my Energy & Nervous System Nutrition course and toolkit. It will help you to ground and take care of your energy and also has a mini Electronic Music Meditation included called “Shake & Sit” which is perfect if you want to mix up your morning meditation routine at home. Or come to a live Electronic Music Meditation at the Akasha Spa at the Hotel Cafe Royal in central London.
Aquarius as the water bearer a ritualistic bath also comes to mind as these are great to sooth our electromagnetic field. Be creative and add mineral salts such as magnesium flakes, essential oils and flowers and bless the water and then soak and listen to a meditation or a spiritual podcast. You might like to try the LUSH Bathe app where I have created a meditation especially for bathing - just google Lush Bathe and download the app for free.
It’s an energy to be progressive, so use this time to try new things and mix up the energy in your spiritual practice a bit.