Pluto Square Pluto Transit
There are some transits of the outer planets - the transpersonal planets - that really define and mark seasons of our life. There are 3 that happen in ‘mid life’ that are very important initiators in our maturation process and spiritual growth. One of them is the Pluto Square Pluto Transit.
Pluto is the slowest moving of the transpersonal planets and has a very eccentric orbit. Because of this different generations of people can experience the Pluto Square Pluto Transit at different ages - typically anywhere from 36 - 60 years of age.
In 2025 if you were born between 1983 and 1985 with a natal Pluto placement of 0-3 Scorprio, you will be experiencing this transit.
So, what can you expect?
When we think about the archetype that Pluto represents we can imagine things like:
Underworld/Shadow Work
That alone gifts us some idea of what to expect. Each planets archetype can be expressed in a few different ways, so it’s never black and white, it will be experienced uniquely for everyone but with these themes.
It’s important to never see these transits as something bad, just because they can be more challenging. It’s through challenges that we mature, when we face our shadows we have an opportunity to transmute, when we face metaphorical fires in life, things are burnt away and there’s an alchemy that happens within us.
This transit can be an amazing opportunity in surrender, letting go of our ego’s plans and desires, and reclaiming lost parts of ourselves through shadow work.
If you want to go for a deeper dive into how to make the most of this transit (as well as 2 other mid-life transit) then make sure you check out the MidLife Transits Masterclass that is so full of amazing content, as well as wellness strategies, potential challenges and opportunities for each transit and how to spot if this transit is happening for you right now.
In fact, many people going through their Pluto Square Transit, will be experiencing the Neptune Square Transit at a similar time, to this Masterclass is so much value, as both are covered.