Navigating Your Neptune Square Neptune Transit

Navigating Your Neptune Square Neptune Transit

Everyone talks about the Saturn return around the age of 28-30, but I find WAY less people talk about the transits that define our late 30’s and 40’s.

In life we go through a series of generational transits. Tranists that affect everyone in the year we were born at around the same time (like the Saturn Return).

During ‘midlife’ we go through a series of astrology transits that are related to the outer transpersonal planets of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.

The Neptune Square Neptune Transit happens in our early forties. It’s one of the transits that is ascribed to the classic ‘mid life crisis’. I think it’s only a “crisis” when we’ve lost sight of what we are here to do.

In Archetypal Astrology we see that each planetary archetype has a spectrum of qualities - so you can never really say how a transit will specifically look - but you can predict the themes. With archetypal multivalence we say that part of the spectrum of qualities includes a “healthy embodied higher octave” and a “shadow side lower octave” of energy.

Additionally, your Neptune Square Neptune transit is going to be flavoured by what’s happened in YOUR life up until this point.

Let’s look at the archetypal qualities of Neptune so we can start to understand the themes of this transit.

Neptune is:

  • Ethereal

  • Thirst for the divine, other dimensions

  • No boundaries, eternal, endless, oceanic

  • Spiritual

  • Delusion, Deception, Foggy

  • Escapism - drugs, alcohol, food, Netflix etc

This transit is a time for deep reflection and spiritual nourishment. When we don’t take time for this we can tend to feel lost, confused, unsure of our life and feeling a certain delusion. This is not a time to be making hard and fast decisions in the material world, but more a time to sit back, take stock of life and mature spiritually but leaning into the unknown and being ok with that.

As of 2025, if you were born between 1983/1984 and have natal Neptune around 29 Sagittarius or 0/1 Capricorn, you’ll be entering this transit AND you are likely also in your Pluto square Pluto transit at the same time!! (natal Pluto 0-3 of Scorpio).

When these transits are mis-understood they can feel so much harder, which is why I put together a really potent workshop to go through the 3 main midlife transits - Pluto Square Pluto, Neptune Square Neptune and Uranus Opposition. I cover themes, potential challenges, opportunities and wellness strategies for each transit.

Belinda Matwali