Spiritual Nutrition and Space Clearing

Space clearing is so important for our wellbeing. After all we are a product of the environments we live in. Just as we clean the material objects in our homes, it’s also important we clean the space we live in at an energetic level.

During the winter months especially if we have our windows closed all day it inhibits the FLOW of air and energy in our home. Add onto that lockdown and staying in all the time and energy can build up and feel stagnant easily.

I’ve found that this can add to Seasonal Affective Disorder, where we feel tired and lethargic.

As well as getting sunshine, taking Vitamin D or using a sunlamp, regular space clearing I find also boosts my energy and mood.

  1. Tidy and clean the physical aspects of each room. Be careful to really clear dust in the corners, the sideboards and hard to reach places - this is where energy also gets trapped.

  2. Once you’ve cleaned the physical space, open up windows in the room.

  3. Use sound and your intention to move energy from the corners of your room. You can use a hand gong, tuning fork, shaker, a bell or clap with your hands (make sure you wash your hands afterwards).

  4. Then use incense (either stick or resin) to purify the air - always adding your intention for the new clean space. If you don’t have incense resin, then essential oils are a good alternative., something like my meditation space clearing mist.

  5. Once the smoke of the incense has dissipated, then close the windows and enjoy your new clean space.

I find I instantly feel better and things often flow more in my life when my space is energetically clear and clean.

Also having plenty of houseplants helps - this is a trend that I hope is here to stay for a very long time!

I hope some of this helps.



Belinda Matwali