The role of Sound in Meditation

I often get asked by people who have been studying meditation for a while if we should meditate in silence, which seems more traditional, rather than using sound and music which is very popular at the moment. Is one right or better than the other?

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Belinda Matwali
Meditation and Astrology

How can you use astrology and meditation together? I explain my point of view and how I use to to create my monthly meditation rituals. Like most things I share and write - my point of view is not what you might first expect!

Image by Danielle Noel

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Belinda Matwali
Meditation and Manifestation

When we are in this space (that is called ‘the void’ by meditators or ‘the vacuum’ by quantum physicists) it’s where all creation springs forth from, and we have the power to manifest with our Consciousness. T

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Belinda Matwali
Morning Rituals To Feel Amazing

I get asked about my morning routine a lot and wanted to share a basic outline of what I do and resources including some meditation, oils and my favourite self care items. It’s all about detoxing and nourishing my body - and feeling clean and clear to start the day.

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Belinda Matwali
The BIG difference between Meditation + Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about connecting and being present with your human aspect. You can be mindful when you’re running, surfing, painting, but you’re still “doing”. You’re very aware of your human aspect. This is mindfulness. Whereas meditation in the truest sense means to go beyond the mind and connect with your eternal aspect. In this way, although meditation and mindfulness are perhaps on the same journey – they are definitely very different.

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Belinda Matwali
We never see the world the way it actually is...

But that’s not how it is, how it happened… Did you know that most of time humans don’t remember a past incident exactly as it was? And even present situations we often don’t see as they are? Our present and our memories are often tainted with the view of our emotions, subconsicous patterns, and our personality.

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Belinda Matwali