Why invest in a meditation course when you can listen to free meditation audios?

In a world where free meditations are everywhere and you're wondering why on earth you'd do a course, that is my answer. In a society full of instant gratification, Spiritual Meditation is the antidote that wants to take you into a deeper more nourishing love affair with meditation and your inner most self.

It really is about building a relationship with yourself. Relationships have seasons, they are not always easy, but they are worth it. The relationship with yourself in meditation is the same - you can experience the greatest love and the deepest frustrations.

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Belinda Matwali
Spiritual Nutrition for Libra Season

For me Libra is about love, beauty and art - the essence of Venus it’s ruling planet, through the element of Air - which I think of as ether or prana. So what can spring to mind is breathing with love, breathing with beauty - how can I make each breath as beautiful as possible, like a work of art?

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Belinda Matwali
What does trauma informed mean?

It’s a buzz word at the moment, but what does Trauma Informed mean? Since I offer trauma informed sessions I think this is really important! I’ve trained in Compassionate Inquiry a psychotherapeutic approach by Dr Gabor Mate and now a mentee of his.

Trauma informed means we look at the point where coping mechanisms were developed to deal with specific life situations.

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Belinda Matwali
The fragmented parts of us..

We have been taught by society to identify more with our personality rather than our essence. I believe this is why so many of us feel like our life is falling apart when we have a change in relationship job or another major role that we’ve been playing. It’s a real dark night of the soul kind of moment.

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Belinda Matwali
Is your procrastination a freeze response?

Sometimes we have such a long list of things to do that we feel overwhelmed and we don’t do any of them. We can instead want to do the washing, tidy the house, go for a walk mode alone, but we’re not addressing that huge to-do list. Generally we consider this to be lazy, avoiding doing the ‘hard work’ we need to do. We can speak down to ourselves and question our self worth. 

It can be really frustrating. But have you ever considered that maybe your body is in a state of overwhelm and going into freeze response? 

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Belinda Matwali
Journal Prompts for the Summer Solstice

Some thought provoking prompts to contemplate your personal growth this year as bask in the maximum solar energy of Summer Solstice and through the light gain reflection of what’s come to pass the last 6 months and what new inspirations enter us during this time of maximum light and energy and fertility.


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Belinda Matwali
The Unconscious Super Conscious and Spirituality

There are so many parts of the superconscious world that were unconscious us. And I believe that this is where a lot of faith comes into play. Sometimes we can’t see the way. Sometimes we do need to trust in a force greater than ourselves and this is a really important part of spirituality. 

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Belinda Matwali
Modern Spirituality and Sensitivity to Religious Beliefs

When I work with people, I always ask about their cultural religious beliefs. Some people are curious about if they work with the spiritual mentor, am I going to be forcing my beliefs upon them. This is certainly not the case. 

The spirituality that I have learnt and embodied runs through all religions. So I’m always culturally sensitive to ask my clients, what are their current religious beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, which words do they prefer to use.

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Belinda Matwali
The Unconscious Subconscious and Spirituality

When we come to do the healing work and create metacognition (awareness of our own thoughts and self limiting beliefs), we naturally start to come into Consciousness Awareness.

Consciousness Awareness is really the gateway to spirituality, because when, we are, at the very centre of our being this is where we can connect with the unified, field and energy of the universe, we take energy from that unified field, and that is ultimately what helps us to reprogram re-organise and empower ourselves. 

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Belinda Matwali
How Do I Make Decisions When Parts Of Me Feel Conflicted?

A lot of time people feel that they are crazy because of all of the conflict invoices and conflicting parts that are within their body.  This can be a huge source of frustration as we try to navigate our life and make decisions that are best for us. The different parts of us play out in many many ways, but a common frustrating way it plays out is when we are wanting to make big changes in our life. 

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Belinda Matwali
Spiritual Nutrition for Gemini Season

Gemini season is here. In astrology the element is air and the modality is mutable - so gemini is literally like a changing breeze. It’s ruler Mercury is related to the mind, so we can see this as changing ideas, changing the mind, wanting to do both “this” and “that”.

However we when become still in that breeze, it means we can receive a multitude of insights and intuitions we remain receptive, rather than active in our thinking. 

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Belinda Matwali
Is a certain placement in Astrology ‘bad’?

Is a certain placement in Astrology ‘bad’?

I get this question almost every time I read a chart. People are worried that they have been cursed or doomed to not be happy and ask if a certain placement in astrology is bad.

If I have Venus conjunct Chiron am I doomed in love? I have Chiron in the 7th house, what does that mean I’ll always be hurt in relationships. 

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Belinda Matwali